Friday, February 17, 2006

The Auspices of Polite Society

How does a sane person dole out condolences to the traumatized and the begrieved?
I sure as shit don't know how. You can call it a lack of emotional character, or you can say I am avoiding facing my emotions.

I just read two things a few minutes ago which has me tripping off both.

1) A family member has just had something horrible happen. All I can say is I'm sorry. I know from experience that is the most annoying shit that you can hear when you are dealing with loss. But what else is there to say? The next on this list of things that piss you off, but if you were raised with manners you just kind of accept from people and curse them out in your mind. Are you alright?/How are you doing? What the hell do you want us to say, that we are right as the rain? Fuck that shit! Do I look alright motherfucker! How should I be looking since obviously you work for the fucking police now!

2) A person that I consider a friend, others that I call friends, and even family, has released a book. I just read some of the excerpts and feel... That is all I can say. I, as well as others have faced death. But what can you say to a man or woman who had to do it on a near constant basis. 'That you understand' That shit alone should get you slapped if not worse. Even if you have been through something similar, the duration was not nearly as long. Others seem to have forgotten our troops that were fighting in Iraq. I refuse to go off on a political tangent! They were fighting for their lives every time that they breathed over their. that in and of itself is some scary shit. What can you say to them now that they are home and are having troubles readjusting, or suffering from PTMS. Shit I am a rock i think and I might have cracked.

Anyway, just venting over things that I cannot control, yet...

When in Danger, or in Doubt...
Run in circles,
Scream and Shout.



Blogger Jaime said...

Thanks. I really mean it. And no, you never gave me the impression of being negative, and I appreciate your reminding me to be cautious. I was actually talking of others, such as my so-called "friends". You know the ones.

Really, thank you.

Saturday, February 18, 2006 2:00:00 PM  
Blogger Shark said...

When people try to tell me that they understand what I have went through for the past two years I just smile and smile and smile some more until they get real nervous and realize that I havent blinked in all the time I have been smiling....that way they never see the twitching hand reaching for the weapons getting pulled back by the other hand.

Friday, March 24, 2006 9:58:00 PM  

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